About Me

Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Hello everyone. Well, generally I am a very simple person with simple nature. I tend to be extra serious at times. My philosophy in life is to be optimistic at all time.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Part 2: Presentation Continued [IWB Assignment]

19th September 2007 – The presentations on IWB products were continued with the rest of the groups not presented last week. I would depict the scene at MK2 similar to last week. It seems that the faces in MK2 were again filled with amazement. One could not stop admiring each of the products presented.

Everyone seated in the cinema (MK2) was eager to watch
the PART 2

Below are some of the products presented by my course mates:
- Hanna present on her product to teach Time (Mathematics)
- Iz with her lesson on the topic Money- I find this lesson to be quite confusing.
- Nad came up with her poem in her product. I like the spinning tool from the smart board tools utilized here.
- Alison presented a Science lesson on Food Chain.

Today, my group had to present one of the selected products too. Actually, we were in the midst of deciding whose lesson to be presented until the last moment. Finally, it was Nanthini’s to be presented.

It is a lesson on Countable and Uncountable Nouns. Actually, this lesson is simple yet practical and meaningful to be used with young pupils who still developing the concept on Nouns. The first part of the lesson deals with a self-discovery learning where pupils will have to write their answers in the space provided on the IWB. Following that, pupils can drag the stars at the bottom of page to check if their answers are correct. Next, pupils will move on to a simple task of classifying done by dragging the correct object into the boxes (person, place, thing) specified. After that, pupils can write their answer on what are countable and uncountable nouns. The answers can be checked by using the eraser in the smart board. The most interesting part of this lesson is the nouns and ladder game at the end of the lesson. This is to replace to traditional snake and ladder game. It is something new for pupils to try out snake and ladder using IWB. This game will be able to attract pupils’ interest.

The activities presented by Techno_thinkers:

To recap, all the products or courseware presented last week and this week are wonderful and amazing. I never thought that all of us could come up with interesting activities because we are novice learners in this field. But we have prove that we will strive hard to master the skill of manipulating IWB and smart board tools to contribute to pupils’ learning.

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