About Me

Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Hello everyone. Well, generally I am a very simple person with simple nature. I tend to be extra serious at times. My philosophy in life is to be optimistic at all time.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Welcome everyone..........

Hello everyone........ At last I am ready to blog. All these while I have been struggling to get used to this new environment in University of Malaya(UM). Metaphorically I was lost in the middle of a gigantic forest and without compass. Can you imagine this? My journey of finding the route to get back home before it gets dark was extremely tiring. Throughout my journey, I had to overcome all sorts of obstacles. I had to remove all the sharp stones along my way which disrupts my journey. Yeah... we should remove all the obstacles as proposed by Robert House, an American Psychologist.

House (1971) proposed that one of the things which a leader should do to achieve a goal is to remove the obstacles. Well, as a future teacher, I have to behave like a leader too. Teachers are guide and model for childrens. Teachers are the main leaders in the classroom. In fact, teachers are responsible to remove obstacles and find alternative to make sure the teaching and learning process runs smoothly.

After all, it is part and parcel of students' life to overcome all obstacles such as time factor, Internet access problem etc.... Anyway, I am more settled now and I can proceed with my blog entries without failure.

Thanks for all those who have helped me.

Can u see the pathway? At last I found my way.....


aurora11rose said...

Hinthumathy!!!!!!! Finally!!! Welcome to blogger.com! hehehe... am proud to be the first to comment here!! You, being lost in a jungle? I'm sure there's someone else in the jungle.. who is it, hinthu??? hehehe.. Anyway, you'll be a great teacher! Compared to me, I'm like so blur and confused in the varsity.. For all those years in IPIK.. you showed me THE path! Thank you... I'm sure your students will not be lost in the future!

Anonymous said...

i love to read your thought..
it shows a lot of maturity within you..
being humble is good.. BUT too humble?? people will just put their smelly shoes on top of your head...